The 2nd Day Raw

While the first day raw was pretty easy and tasty, the second left me with a few more cravings, particularly for meat.

Breakfast was a salad of 1/2 avocado, 1 grapefruit and 2 Tbsp raw pumpkin seeds.  It was super easy to prepare and quite satisfying.  Sam was into it too.

Lunch was the leftover walnut mixture topped with the salsa and cashew sour cream from day one all wrapped up with avocado in a sheet of nori.  PS, this was my first time making "sushi" so please excuse the messy presentation.

I had a snack in the afternoon with Sam of raw almond butter and an apple.

Dinner was a simple greens salad with shaved summer squash, onions, avocado, walnuts and cucumbers.  I used the cashew sour cream from day 1 mixed with oil and vinegar as the dressing.  Before I started making dinner my appetite was not out of control.  Once I got started though I was too hungry to mess with a photo of my dinner...sorry!  And here is where I was really missing some more substantial protein source! 

Dessert was a banana with more raw almond butter.

2 days down, one to go!

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