meatless monday blog love: My New Roots

I recently discovered my new favorite blog My New Roots and have been obsessed ever since!  So far I've tried 2 of her recipes (with a few of my own modifications) and they were both DELISH!  The author, Sarah Britton, is a holistic nutritionist and vegetarian chef in Denmark who provides great nutritional information about her surprisingly simple healthy recipes!

One of the recipes I tried is socca.  This pancake traditionally from Nice, France is made of chickpea flour, water and easy and really tasty, especially for someone avoiding wheat!  As an added bonus, chickpea (garbanzo bean) flour is a great gluten-free alternative to other flours in that it can help regulate blood sugar and insulin levels, it's also high in fiber, folic acid, iron, protein and even antioxidants.  This would be great made ahead of time and topped with nut butter or rolled up with meat and or veggies inside for a great snack or meal.   It's the perfect alternative to bread and great for the little ones in your life too.

Check out the recipe for this little delightful new discovery on Whole Living where Sarah is a guest blogger.

Green & Plenty version with tomatoes, kale, mozzarella and avocado...let's keep in mind Sarah is a professional chef and writes for Martha ;)

I used Bobs Red Mill Garbanzo Bean Flour and mixed it about 4 hours before I cooked it which Sarah suggests doing (allowing even more time if possible) to reduce any digestion issues beans sometimes cause.  The "soaking" breaks down the starches and increases mineral absorption from the bean.  My pancake stuck to the pot I cooked it in a bit so next time I'll either add more oil or maybe try it stove top.  Actually, I can't wait to make it topped with strawberries and real maple syrup...

Has anyone ever made socca?  Please do share your recipes!

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