a chance

2010 was a very special year for me.  My husband and I were blessed with the birth of our healthy, smiley, beautiful baby boy, Sam (Sambino to many).   I was lucky enough to spend the first 4 1/2 months of his precious young life home with him.   After going back to my job as a registered dietitian/clinical research coordinator, I realized (as I suspected I would) that this particular position was no longer for me.  I didn't want to be away from Sam.  My husband often says that Sam and I are "best friends"...and my mom always reminds me to "appreciate it now because they'll be grown before you know it".  So appreciate I have!  And now, as Sam is 9 months old and things are much more manageable, I want to keep learning and sharing my passion for all things nutritious, environmentally conscious and healthy.  Green & Plenty is my attempt to do just that.  So here we go...

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog! I am taking the class with you so thought I would stop in to say hi! I have a little girl about the same age as your son! Isn't motherhood great?


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